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Ingat Waktu Coy _

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

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 At night when moon star tied the knot
Allow your rose garden dream kutanam
In the valley of love that framed the rainbow

Tomorrow when you wake up
Tell me about our flower garden
About two hearts melting into one
About the permanence of the sun crept slowly
About the longing that continues to surge
About love without a pause
About a million butterflies longing

Surge as the waves kiss the shore of love
No berpagutan their tireless

But my love .....
Strangle the soul of this longing taste
I'm tired of spark pangs of homesickness

Want to swallow the
So I could caress your face soon
Let you lean on my shoulder
Sharing anxiety and restlessness
Unravel the hanging load
Tasted a heartbeat

Want to whisper softly into your ear
Beautiful poems about life
Happiness that we want to embrace
About the ideals and expectations
About the beauty of eternal snow
about the warmth of the sun which broke

Ah my love ...
What I can not stop loving you and Merindumu 

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